Statistical Release
Transport and telecommunications - Registered vehicles
Final data Periodicity: quarterly Next publication date: 07.03.2025

First time registered road motor vehicles and trailers and injury road accidents, III Quarter 2024

Of the total number of road motor vehicles and trailers registered for the first time during the third quarter of 2024, produced in 2024, in relation to the total number of registered vehicles, the most represented are buses (70.9%), while the number of new passengers cars was the smallest (12.9%).


Of the total number of road motor vehicles and trailers registered for the first time during the third quarter of 2024, produced in 2024, in relation to the total number of registered vehicles, the most represented are buses (70.9%), while the number of new passengers cars was the smallest (12.9%).

During the third quarter of 2024, a decrease in the number of registered special purpose motor vehicles and agricultural tractors can be noticed, while other road motor vehicles recorded an increase. The most numerous brands of motor vehicle manufacturers are: Volkswagen, Audi, Škoda, Peugeot and Opel.

Based on the results, it can be concluded that the most frequent number of freight vehicles was of the capacity up to 999 kg, as well as that the greatest number of such vehicles was with diesel motor energy. 

Regarding the recently manufactured passengers’ vehicles, observed in percentages, and regarding motor energy used, those with petrol motor energy prevailed, as well as those with the engine size of up to 2000 cm3.

Total number of injury road accidents with casualties in the third quarter of 2024 decreased by 3.8%, relative to the same period 2023. Decrease of injury road accidents with persons injured within built-up areas amounted to 4.6%.

Number of casualties in the third quarter of 2024 was decreased by 6.0%, respective to the same period 2023, and number of injured persons within built-up areas decreased by 6.9%.

The number of drivers killed in the third quarter of 2024 increased by 38.7% relative to same quarter of 2023.

1a. Age structure of first- time registered road motor vehicles and trailers

  Mopeds Motorcycles Passengers cars Buses Lorries (trucks) Trailers and semi-trailers Special purpose motor vehicles Agricultural tractors
   Older than 2 years21913793470113739449331991094
   Manufactured 202364134157793298940136
   Manufactured 20246221471536935615521269101715

1.  First time registered road vehicles and trailers

  III quarter 2023 III quarter 2024 III quarter 2024
III quarter 2023
Total Grad Beograd Region Vojvodine Region Šumadije i Zapadne Srbije Region Južne i Istočne Srbije Region Kosovo i Metohija Total Grad Beograd Region Vojvodine Region Šumadije i Zapadne Srbije Region Južne i Istočne Srbije Region Kosovo i Metohija
Passenger cars39956142149241100986403-416471423910072106466690-104.2
Work vehicles343791457049-340821545648-99.1
Farm Tractors2155372603770410-1945242475757471-90.3

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Methodological explanations

Data on first registration of road motor vehicles and trailers, and on road traffic accidents are obtained from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Road accident is any accident that happened or started on a road, involving at least one vehicle in motion and resulting in at least one injured or killed person.

The Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia does not have available data for AP Kosovo and Metohija.