Statistical Release
Population - Population estimations
Estimation Periodicity: annual

Estimated population, 2022

The estimated number of population in the Republic of Serbia in 2022 was 6 664 449 (the estimates are based on the results of the 2022 Census of Population, Households and Dwellings, and results of natural changes statistics and population internal migration). Observed by sex, 51.4% were women (3 423 627), and 48.6% were men (3 240 822).

The Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia publishes the estimates of the number of population of the Republic of Serbia by age, sex and type of settlement for the year 2022, on the level of regions, areas and towns-municipalities. The estimates were calculated on the basis of 2022 Census of Population, Households and Dwellings and the data on natural and mechanic movements of population (internal migrations).

The estimated number of population in the Republic of Serbia in 2022 was 6 664 449. Observed by sex, 51.4% were women (3 423 627), and 48.6% were men (3 240 822).

Table 1. Estimated number of population of the Republic of Serbia, 2002–2022, (annual average)

  Republic of Serbia Beogradski region Region Vojvodine Region Šumadije i Zapadne Srbije Region Južne i Istočne Srbije Region Kosovo i Metohija
20027500031 1578364 2034851 2135393 1751423 ---
20117236519 1658151 1932945 2033203 1612220 ---
20127201497 1664218 1922017 2018248 1597014 ---
20137166553 1669552 1912095 2003116 1581790 ---
20147131787 1675043 1901935 1987799 1567010 ---
20157095383 1679895 1891701 1972183 1551604 ---
20167058322 1683962 1881357 1956786 1536217 ---
20177020858 1687132 1871515 1941130 1521081 ---
20186982604 1690193 1861863 1924816 1505732 ---
20196945235 1694056 1852093 1908641 1490445 ---
20206899126 1694480 1840852 1890449 1473345 ---
20216834326 1688667 1825982 1867552 1452125 ---
20221)6664449 1684259 1743990 1824896 1411304 ---
[1] See methodological explanations.

Over 2002–2022, the number of population of the Republic of Serbia was continuously decreasing. At regional level, Beogradski region was the only one to record population growth up to the year 2020, but this trend has changed since 2021. In all other regions population was declining over the whole observed period.

The process of population ageing is seen through a low share of young people and high and continuous increasing trend of the elderly in the total population. The data for the Republic of Serbia indicate that in 2022 the share of persons aged 65 and over was 22.0%, and those aged under 15 accounted for 14.4%.

Observed at the level of areas, Zaječarska oblast recorded the largest share of persons aged 65 and over (30.3%) and at the same time the lowest share of those aged under 15 (11.2%). On the other hand, the lowest share of persons aged 65 and over was in Pčinjska oblast (17.8%), but the lowest share of persons aged under 15 was recorded in in Raška oblast (17.5%), then in Južnobačka oblast (15.6%) and Beogradska oblast (15.2%). The chart presents the first and last four areas where the share of the elderly population (aged 65 and over) is the highest and lowest, respectively. For the purpose of comparison, the share of persons aged under 15 is also presented.


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Methodological explanations

Population estimates are calculated for the census and post-census years, and are based on the results of population census and the results of processing the statistics of natural and mechanical movements of population (internal migrations). It is worth mentioning that it is in the 2022 Census that was used for the first time the method of imputation from administrative sources of persons in order to improve the coverage.

Population ageing index is the ratio between the population aged 60 and over and population aged from 0 to 19, estimated in the middle of the reference year.

Population average age indicates the average age of its members (arithmetic mean).

Total dependency ratio is the ratio between the population aged 0-14 and 65 and over, in relation to the population aged from 15 to 64, estimated in the middle of the reference year.

Young-age dependency ratio is the ratio between the total number of young people aged 0-14 and the number of working-age persons (aged from 15 to 64).

Old-age dependency ratio is the ratio between the number of persons aged 65 and over (age when they are generally economically inactive) and the number of working-age persons (aged between 15 and 64).

Masculinity ratio is the ratio of the number of men per 1 000 women.

Life expectancy of live births is a result of abridged approximate life tables and tells how long a live born will live if the mortality conditions are the same as at the time of tables production. Three-annual average 2020-2022 was used to calculate life expectancy for the level of municipalities.

Fertility contingent represents the share of women aged from 15 to 49 in the total population.

Starting from 1998 the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia has not available data for AP Kosovo and Metohija therefore these data are not included in the coverage for the Republic of Serbia (total).