Statistical Release
Prices - Producer prices
Final data Periodicity: monthly Next publication date: 07.06.2023

Indices of producer prices of industrial products – total, April 2023

Indices of producers’ prices of industrial products total

  IV 2023
Ø 2022
IV 2023
III 2023
IV 2023
IV 2022
I-IV 2023
Ø 2022
I-IV 2023
I-IV 2022
IV 2023
XII 2022
By destination of consumption
    Intermediate goods except energy100.699.9100.5100.9104.399.7
    Capital goods101.8100.0101.5101.4102.7101.1
    Durable consumer goods103.5100.0103.8103.5107.2100.9
    Non durable consumer goods109.399.7112.0108.8114.4102.8
MINING AND QUARRYING91.0103.488.590.087.8107.3
    Mining of coal and lignite106.7100.0110.5106.7110.5101.1
    Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas86.8108.788.982.482.0109.5
    Mining of metal ores83.1104.977.182.677.6113.0
    Other mining and quarrying103.6100.0105.4103.4105.6100.6
    Manufacture of food products111.099.4114.5110.9118.3102.3
    Manufacture of beverages108.3100.0109.5106.8110.5103.1
    Manufacture of tobacco products107.5100.2108.5107.2111.9104.2
    Manufacture of textiles102.4100.2105.6103.1106.897.9
    Manufacture of wearing apparel102.1100.4101.9101.5101.8101.7
    Manufacture of leather and related products100.1100.0105.2100.1100.498.7
    Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials107.399.8113.9107.7117.698.3
    Manufacture of paper and paper products103.6101.0111.5106.6117.692.9
    Printing and reproduction of recorded media102.8100.0101.9102.7105.2101.6
    Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products85.997.
    Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products94.699.593.394.397.299.6
    Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations101.699.7103.2101.7102.499.8
    Manufacture of rubber and plastic products103.199.4103.4103.6106.799.8
    Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products108.999.9113.2107.4115.3104.4
    Manufacture of basic metals95.5100.289.394.794.6101.5
    Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment103.9100.0103.6103.2105.3102.5
    Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products100.2100.0100.2100.2100.3100.2
    Manufacture of electrical equipment103.3100.1103.0102.9105.1101.9
    Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.101.5100.0101.6101.4103.2100.8
    Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers100.8100.0100.4100.7101.7100.3
    Manufacture of other transport equipment100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0
    Manufacture of furniture105.0100.0107.5105.0109.0101.6
    Other manufacturing103.4100.0104.2103.7104.699.4
    Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply105.1100.0106.7105.1106.7102.7
    Water collection, treatment and supply110.1100.0111.8109.0110.7107.0

Methodological explanations

Indices of producers’ prices of industrial products – total, have been calculated since 2010. These indices are calculated on the basis of data that are collected for the producers’ prices of industrial products for domestic market and for the producers’ prices of industrial products for exports

Detailed methodological explanations are available on the website of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia:

Data are published on the seventh day of each month for the previous month in the edition Statistical Releases, with the indication CN22, as well as on the website of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia.

Data are given according to Classification of Activities, by sections and divisions. Starting from 1999 the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia has not at disposal and may not provide available certain data relative to Kosovo and Metohia and therefore these data are not included in the coverage for the Republic of Serbia (total).