Statistical Release
Prices - Producer prices
Final data Periodicity: quarterly Datum sledeće objave: 16.05.2022

Input price indices in agriculture, IV Quarter 2021

Input prices in agriculture in IV Quarter 2021 were increased by 30.7% in relation to IV Quarter 2020.

Input prices in agriculture in IV Quarter 2021 were increased by 30.7% in relation to IV Quarter 2020.

Observed by main product groups in IV Quarter 2021 in relation to IV Quarter 2020, the biggest impact on the rise in prices was noted in the groups: Fertilizers (124.9%), Animal feedingstuffs (34.6%) and Energy (15.9%).  

Input prices in agriculture in IV Quarter 2021 in relation to III Quarter 2021 were increased by 13.0% on average.

Observed by main product groups in IV Quarter 2021 in relation to the previous quarter, the biggest impact on the rise in prices was noted in the groups: Fertilizers (70.3%), Animal feedingstuffs (5.4%) and Seeds (23.3%).

Input price indices in agriculture

Republic of Serbia
  Q4 2021
Q4 2020
Q4 2021
Q3 2021
Q4 2021
Ø 2020
Ø 2021
Ø 2020
Goods and services currently consumed in agriculture 132.1114.0132.2118.1
Seeds 108.9123.3104.3101.5
Energy 115.9102.3114.6110.4
Fertilisers and soil improvers 224.9170.3221.4144.2
Plant protection products and pesticides106.399.6106.8103.9
Animal feedingstuffs134.6105.4137.3128.3
Maintenance of materials102.9102.1102.9101.0
Maintenance of buildings111.9105.1115.7108.3
Other goods and services 103.1101.0102.9101.5
Goods and services contributing to agricultural investment113.9100.1113.8109.6
Machinery and other equipment113.9100.1113.8109.6

Methodological explanations

The aim of the survey is the calculation of input price indices in agriculture. Data have been collected since 2012,while price indices have been published since 2014

Data are published 45 days after the end of the quarter, in the edition Statistical Release, with the mark CN43, and they are also presented on the website of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (

Starting from 1999 the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia has not at disposal and may not provide available certain data relative to Kosovo and Metohia and therefore these data are not included in the coverage for the Republic of Serbia (total).