Statistical Release
Environment - Physical environmental accounts
Final data Periodicity: annual Next publication date: 05.12.2023

Material flow indicators, 2021

In 2021, domestic material consumption amounted to 132 836 thousand tons, which is by 1.1% more if compared to 2020.

In 2021, domestic extraction amounted to 129 029 thousand tonnes; compared to the previous year it increased by 0.2%. Observed by categories, the largest share in domestic extraction was noted for the categories of fossil fuels (37 543 thousand tons) and biomass (36 163 thousand tons).

In 2021, the total imports amounted to 20 147 thousand tonnes, which is by 7.6% more when related to 2020. Categories with the largest share in imports were fossil fuels (38.5%) and metal ores (16.6%).

In 2021, the total exports noted the value of 16 340 thousand tonnes, which is by 1.5% more than in 2020. Biomass had the largest share in the total exports (47.6%), followed by metal ores (18.0%).

In 2021, domestic material consumption amounted to 132 836 thousand tons, which is by 1.1% more if compared to 2020.The greatest consumption related to the category of fossil fuels (43 505 thousand tons) and nonmetallic minerals (33 553 thousand tons). In 2021, domestic material consumption per capita amounted to 19.4 ton, i.e. it increased by 0.4 ton when compared to the previous year.

Resource productivity is the ratio between Gross domestic product (GDP) and domestic material consumption and in 2021, it amounted to 39.8 RSD per kilogram, which is by 6.42% more than in 2020, meaning that increase of material consumption was smaller than GDP increase, when related to the previous year.

1. Material flow indicators

Republic of Serbia                                                                                                                                                                            thous. tonnes
  Year Domestic extraction resources Imports Exports Domestic material consumption Physical trade balance
1 2 3 4 = 1 + 2 - 3 5 = 2 - 3
Metal ores (gross ores)20201816437482323195891425
Non-metalic minerals20202777638952198294731697
Fossil energy materials/carriers20204085967051771457934934
Other products2020-133912756464

2. Resource efficiency indicators

Republic of Serbia
  2020 2021
Domestic Material Consumption per capita (t)1919.4
Resource productivity (RSD/kg)37.4 r)39.8 p)

p) Preliminary data.

r) Revised/ corrected data.

Methodological explanations

Material flows include material flows between a national economy and the natural environment, and these consist of the extraction of raw materials and other primary materials from and the discharge into the natural environment, as well as material flows between a national economy and the rest of the world (imports and exports).

The classification of materials used in the Material flow account classifies domestic extracted resources into four categories: biomass (from agriculture, forestry and fishing), metal ores, non-metals (stone, clay, etc.) and fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas). 

Classification of materials used in the Material flow account:

The basic principles and methods for creating accounts of material flows for the level of total economy, as well as the results for the Republic of Serbia were presented in the publication “Material flow indicators of the Republic of Serbia, 2001–2011“ and can be found at SORS website.

Data series of material flow indicators are available at SORS website, in the database with methodological explanation.

Starting from 1999 the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia has not at disposal and may not provide available data relative to AP Kosovo and Metohija and therefore these data are not included in the coverage for the Republic of Serbia (total).